Whether you are moving into a new home or simply want to change the look of your current one, you can use some basic tricks to get mind-blowing results. Sometimes the smallest changes can make a huge impact. Just adding a new lamp or a plant, rearranging your furniture, changing the colour of your walls […]

Balconies provide a breathing space for those who live in apartments. They give a fresh and relaxing feel. Interior Designing Courses offer great help if you have a knack of changing the look of a place for good. Small balconies are usually neglected or used as a place to dump old and unused items. Join […]

Like architecture, Interior Designing has also earned the status of a professional subject matter of study. The idea of setting the rooms according to one’s whims is no longer a vague idea. While a regular course in interior design is major professional learning vertical at Hamstech, the weekend version of the course is at par […]

Homeowners are often intimidated when they need to hire an interior designer. Maybe you are moving to a new house or just willing to freshen up your outdated interior decor, guess who’s your best friend? Of course, an interior designer. Most people have a misconception that interior designers are available only to the rich and […]

As it goes by definition, interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more desirable space. An interior designer is the one who is responsible for a home or a workplace to look aesthetic for the people inhabiting it. It is an important consideration […]

Your backyard is an extension of your home and serves as your personal getaway. As much as you would look for comfort indoors, you also need to create it outdoors. When you are selecting furniture for your garden, you need to consider various aspects such as look, comfort and functionality. Every furniture is designed with […]