As the demand for fashionable clothes and accessories is rising, so is the demand of fashion designing courses. It has become a popular career choice for so many youngsters. As a designer, you must have brilliant aesthetic knowledge of texture, fabrics and colours. This will also give you a greater level of expertise and will […]

Here’s the story of our Fashion Designing student, Vikasini, through which she tells us how she was motivated by the thought of designing clothes for her daughter and the way this led to her pursuing creative education in Fashion. Let’s hear how she now effortlessly designs clothes at a professional level with Hamstech’s Fashion Design […]

A portfolio is defined as the best work put together by a student. It plays a significant role in a student’s career as it becomes one of the deciding factors when students are hired by companies. A portfolio can be presented in two ways- physical or digital presentations. Of late, many creative institutes are laying […]

If you have an insight into fashion that runs deeper than just the oft-associated glam, glitz and glimmer, then you have good reason to join fashion designing courses with a view to work in the field and make a name for yourself. Fashion Design classes strengthen your ability to visualise, create, develop and market your […]