These days, many people are learning and experimenting with Photography. There are different techniques used to improve the quality of frames and smoke photography is one of them.
You must have seen some beautiful photos with colourful smoke as an element. These are captured with the help of smoke grenades. This is popular to shoot theatrical shows and festive vibes.
The Photography courses in Hyderabad will suggest you to use the right kind of smoke bombs. But, before you buy them, go for wire pull grenades that burn only from one end. The double-ended bombs make more smoke but burn out quickly.
Here are the 3 tips through which you can capture some flawless shots using smoke bombs.
Play with shutter speed
For the best results, increase your shutter speed and move the constrainer slowly. This way, you will be able to create a dramatic effect and capture the perfect shots.
If you want to hide the grenade, you can use some props to cover it up. The Photography courses will guide you on selecting the right kind of objects that will act as the cover up and enhance the look at the same time.
Every colour has its own significance. Darker colours will give you the shady, brooding or gloomy images. Whereas, the bright colours will lighten the frame. The best Photography course in Hyderabad will advise you to use 2 or more colour to click mesmerising shots.
Want to learn more about such amazing photography techniques? Join the Photography courses for beginners at Hamstech and get trained from our celebrity photographer and mentor, Avinash Gowariker.