Historical movies can be a great source of inspiration. While watching a movie, our attention instantly goes to the sets, costume and jewellery. It’s been proven that anything which grabs our attention seems to stay on our mind for long. Speaking of costumes and history, we are all well aware of the grandeur and elegance, […]

A portfolio is defined as the best work put together by a student. It plays a significant role in a student’s career as it becomes one of the deciding factors when students are hired by companies. A portfolio can be presented in two ways- physical or digital presentations. Of late, many creative institutes are laying […]

What exactly do you understand by the term ‘dyeing and printing’? When you look around, every fabric is either dyed or printed. Be it the clothes you wear on a daily basis or the upholstery at home, everything has a splash of colour and print on it. Dyeing and printing is known to be an […]

Choosing a suitable fabric can be a challenge for most of us. When we enter a clothing store, we are overwhelmed by the array of fabrics on display. At the time of choosing a fabric, the spectrum of colours, patterns, designs, etc. can be confounding! In fact, it is only when we closely inspect a […]

When it is time to advance from your latest academic achievements, you can either take a beaten path of “prestigious” courses or can listen to your true calling. Best career decisions come from proper introspection and planning. June is the month for you to act on your career decisions. Hamstech Institute can introduce you to […]

Hamstech Institute had its tryst with creative education in 1992. Since then, in 25 years, the institute heralded the scene of creative education in Hyderabad. It set a standard in industry-level training that is coveted by many. Based in Hyderabad, Hamstech pioneered the advent of professional courses like Fashion Designing Degree. It opened the career […]

Fashion design is a study that is far beyond just designing. So let us understand a yet another important aspect that is fashion communication? It involves the process of channeling the message of your brand to its consumer. All things considered, there are several pivotal activities that transform ideas into sales happen by virtue of […]

Every fashionable person believes in the very popular saying, “shoes reveal a lot about a person’s identity”. Footwear is an essential part of our lifestyle and style statement. It is a formidable presumption, albeit a true one, that footwear reveals more about a person than anything else he/she wears. It tells how groomed one really […]

Fasting and feasting are the two most commonly known aspects of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. During the thirty-days of ‘Ramadan’ every individual following Islam observes a ritual of fasting, from dawn to sunset. ‘Eid’, on the other hand, marks the end of Ramadan and is a religious holiday, celebrated by the Muslims around the world. […]

Fashion design is gaining increasing popularity. June is one such month where the dog days of summer are at the cusp of pelting rains. Amidst this summer-monsoon transition, we take get-away trips with friends and family or just revamp the wardrobe to refresh ourselves. So, let’s steer away from the regular style and embrace this […]