The invaluable association with Mrs. Neeta Lulla has been a definite source of motivation and education for the Hamstech team for over a decade. She has been giving students the much needed direction to make successful careers in the fashion industry. The strong and fruitful relation is helping keep Hamstech at the top in the […]

Teaching and learning has been prevalent parts of an educational system. Education in any form constitutes an essential part of a student’s academic life. For every student, quality education is value for money as this is what equips them to become independent individuals. Hamstech Institute, over the last two decades has played a major role […]

Shawn Hitchcock once said, “A mentor empowers a person to see a possible future, and believe it can be obtained.” This quote beautifully explains the role of a mentor in transforming a students’ future. A mentor, as we know, is often addressed by many names such as a counselor, an advisor, a guide, a tutor […]