Culinary Arts – The art of Cooking! Above all, making one feel hungry is possible with a well-presented plate with tasteful aromas. Yes, sizzling, aromatic, eye-presenting, flavourful and mouth-watery can be achieved with Culinary Artistry. To step into this profession what is the best Culinary Arts Course? In general what are the career chances and […]

Cooking classes in Hyderabad! This time, for a change, let’s get hanged with bell peppers. Not only are these colourful peppers delicious but they are also loaded with vitamins. There are multiple ways to use them in recipes. To become an expert at cooking, get some Indian cooking classes or enrol in a course for […]

Cooking Classes! Cooking without fire? Don’t get so shocked. Yes, you can cook recipes without fire, which is really simple, easy, fun and experimental. If you don’t have any experience in cooking, this is the best one for your cooking training. Keep going through the blog to learn to cook simple recipes without fire and […]

Cooking and culinary arts have the ability to make anything taste amazing and transform into something totally new. Especially when it comes to Culinary Arts, it makes us drool with its eye-catchy and stylish looks. Agree? People who love creative and experimenting with ingredients and recipes need training in the field of Culinary Arts. You […]

In a country with vast diversity, there are a variety of ways you can make a dish. Every region has their traditions & spices they love. This shows up evidently in their cooking. This is a list of popular chicken based recipes that are preferred by Indian meat-lovers. These chicken curries are specific to a […]

Indian Breakfast “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”. It is one of the most common proverbs and you might have heard it too. Even during our childhood, our mothers would force us to eat breakfast properly because it is one of the most important meals that give […]

Cooking is an essential life skill which comes into action every single day. While we do have a lot of food options and services available these days, it’s always good to know how to cook some basic dishes. There might be a lot of you who are naturally interested in cooking and keep trying out […]

Food is a necessity that you can indulge in. We have cooked & eaten at fancy restaurants, ordered takeaways at some or the other time in our lives and we continue to do so. So have you ever thought about the people behind such delicacies and mouth-watering dishes? Well yes. They are the chefs! Every […]

How many people do you know that have a sweet tooth? We’re guessing many. Even the ones who aren’t fans of all things sweet have one or two favourite desserts. We have hundreds of Indian desserts recipes to prove that sweets are a big part of our palette. Also, cake happens to be one of […]

We all have had quite some time on our hands to think and discover things we like doing. It’s already summer time, which means most of us are looking for any good reason to stay indoors. Be it our classrooms, restaurants, cafes, theatres or the comfort of our homes. This also happens to be the […]